Attending this event?
Wednesday, September 4

8:00am MDT

Registration/ Welcome Desk
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:00am - 4:00pm MDT
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:00am - 4:00pm MDT

8:30am MDT

Craft Your Way to a Better Job with Efficiency and Proactive Communication
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
While the perfect job may not exist, job crafting allows individuals to rethink themselves, their tasks, and their relationships with others to increase job satisfaction, engagement, and motivation. In this session, we will discuss what job crafting is, and explore activities that can help you reinforce your natural strengths, redefine your purpose, and re-invigorate your work. We will brainstorm productivity hacks to help you free up time for more meaningful work activities, explore how to proactively communicate your vision with your manager, and discuss how you can begin to find and explore new opportunities.

Amanda Armstrong

Business Librarian, Arapahoe Libraries
avatar for Christine Kreger

Christine Kreger

Professional Development Consultant, Colorado State Library (CDE)
Christine Kreger is the Colorado State Library’s first full-time Professional Development Consultant, bringing over 25 years of training and continuing education experience to the table.  
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

8:30am MDT

Do More With Less: Reorganize Your Library for Better Circulation and Engagement
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
How can you reorganize your space to do more - even between renovations? This session brings principles from retail to the organization of library space. Participants will learn how to analyze their space for circulation efficiency and how to reorganize to create more effective pathways.

David Vinjamuri

New York University
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

8:30am MDT

OERColorado: Colorado Learns with Shared Knowledge
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
In March of 2020 schools scrambled to move to remote learning. The Colorado state legislature recognized the need for quality free digital learning resources and passed C.R.S. § 22-5-119 setting up a repository of Openly-licensed Educational Resources (OER), administered by the Colorado River BOCES, and Colorado Empowered Learning with support from the Office of Online and Blended Learning at CDE. The OERColorado project is the fruition of that initial idea to two fully functional state sponsored curriculum libraries that serve both formal and informal educational communities in the state. Searchable access to quality open educational resources helps reduce costs, improve accessibility and equity, and lets Colorado learn with shared knowledge. The OERColorado project serves public educators and librarians, as well as adult education, preschools, homeschool, and other communities looking for educational materials. Open Education is a global movement to make access to knowledge more accessible and equitable by reducing barriers. Come explore the new OERColorado libraries, learn what demographics the project serves, and find out more about the practice of Open Education.

Renee Martinez

Visit us to learn more about the OERColorado.org curriculum libraries. These repositories provide Colorado's PK-12+ public educators access to free openly licensed education resources, lessons plans, full courses, professional development, primary sources, collections, etc. 
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

8:30am MDT

Understanding Teens for Better Services and Advocacy
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Teens are important patrons in our libraries, with unique and evolving needs. Staff comfort levels, preconceived notions or stereotypes, and requests from organizations to justify teen services can create barriers to effective teen services – but they also offer library workers a chance to advocate for teens. Using psychology, biology, and what we know about teen lives today for a better understanding of teens and their current experiences can create an empathetic base for teen library services. In this presentation, we will share our approach to a training we share with staff to build understanding about teens, as well as some techniques for using this training and the information to advocate for teen services in your libraries.
avatar for Catherine Boddie

Catherine Boddie

Teen Services Supervisor, Arapahoe Libraries
Catherine was a teen librarian for 12 years before moving into the Teen Services Supervisor role at Arapahoe Libraries. She has spent lots of time visiting schools and talking about books.

Erica Schimmel

Core Services Teen Librarian, Arapahoe Libraries
Erica is a teen librarian at Arapahoe Libraries. As part of her outreach work, she spends a lot of time visiting schools to talk about books and implementing booktalk engagement techniques.

Anush Balayan

Arapahoe Libraries
Wednesday September 4, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

11:00am MDT

Exhibit Hall
Wednesday September 4, 2024 11:00am - 5:30pm MDT
Wednesday September 4, 2024 11:00am - 5:30pm MDT

12:00pm MDT

IFC Awards & Keynote Lunch
Wednesday September 4, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Wednesday September 4, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm MDT
Colorado Ballroom: Third Floor

1:45pm MDT

Building and running a committee that serve hispanic community
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Working to fulfill district goals to better serve the Latino community. I would like to Share Garfield County Public Library's approach to better serve the Latino community in these four areas Collection, Programming, Outreach, and support and provide training to staff. In 2022 Garfield Country Public Libraries District's goal was to better serve the Latino community. The first year the Hispanic Outreach Committee was successful. Accomplished in 2022. The first Hispanic heritage festival First trip to Guadalajara Support district program Posada Navideña 2023-2024- The committee was ready to keep working but needed guidance and support. There were so many things the committee wanted to accomplish and it had to be narrowed down the vision and mission of the committee. That is when Jamie LaRue Our Director trusted me to be the leader of the committee. Forming the HOC committee and four sub-committees, Collection, Outreach, Program, Staffing 2023 was a successful year. I would like to share in detail how we accomplished these goals and what where our lessons learned. Share our knowledge with other librarians who want to better serve their community.

Amaranda Fregoso

Garfield County Libraries

Ana Gaytan

Manager, Garfield County Public Library

Alex Garcia

Garfield County Public Library District
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Connect to Health @Your Library: Rural & Small Libraries as Telehealth Hubs
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Do folks in your community have to drive 30 minutes to the closest doctor? Do patrons ever have to use your public computers for telehealth appointments, risking being overheard as they discuss private health matters? The Colorado State Library and the Office of eHealth Innovation have partnered on a pilot project to address the barriers some people face accessing web-enabled devices, digital literacy, and wellness and well-being in rural Colorado. This panel presentation will provide an overview of the project, detail the demonstrated benefit to communities that have a participating library, and outline best practices and crazy ideas that work. You’ll hear firsthand from librarians who implemented this project in different ways and from different parts of the state. Come find out what your library might need to help your community Connect to Health @Your Library.
avatar for Kieran Hixon

Kieran Hixon

Rural & Small Library Consultant, Colorado State Library
Kieran is the Rural & Small Library Consultant at the Colorado State Library. He is an engaging and enthusiastic public speaker focusing on customer service and policy. Based in Wetmore, Colorado, he has served as President of the Association for Rural & Small Libraries and has a... Read More →
avatar for Ashley Heathfield

Ashley Heathfield

Sr Project Manager, Office of eHealth Innovation
As one of OeHI's Senior Project Managers, Ashley's work is focused on virtual health and digital health equity projects. She is passionate about leveraging technology to create a more equitable healthcare landscape, and working collaboratively with local and state partners to decrease... Read More →
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Creating the Future with Everyday Activism
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Explore the transformative power of everyday library activism, focusing on the impact of small actions done by staff members in any position that collectively contribute to a vibrant and engaged community. Through insightful case studies, we will examine how seemingly minor efforts can lead to significant changes in perception, support, use of, and even funding for libraries. Join us as we delve into practical strategies and inspiring examples that showcase the pivotal role individuals play in advocating for the invaluable resources and services libraries provide. Create the future of libraries with us.
avatar for Amie Pilla

Amie Pilla

Library CEO, Berthoud Community Library District
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

1:45pm MDT

Excellent Elementary EL Collaboration
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
From Beach Parties to Bears Love Trees, libraries are in a unique position to support the EL ELA curriculum at the elementary level, giving students the opportunity to expand their learning and explore the EL modules in multiple ways. During the session attendees will have the opportunity to participate in EL protocols, and we will share some of our successes and failures as we navigated our first year of the EL ELA curriculum in Poudre School District, and provide attendees with a virtual toolkit of ideas they can take back and implement in their programming. We will also look at collection development and how to get the most bang for your buck when building a collection that supports all students.
avatar for Lorrie Maggio-Huber

Lorrie Maggio-Huber

Media Facilitator/Specialist, Poudre School District
I am a Media specialist and Technology coordinator for my elementary school, Eyestone elementary. My other role is elementary Media facilitator where I support and advocate for my elementary team in PSD.I love all things Steam, literacy and introducing my learners to coding and new... Read More →
avatar for Kit Taddeo

Kit Taddeo

Library Media Specialist, Poudre School District
"Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all" I've spent my career looking for the adventure in the everyday, even in small things. As a school librarian for the past 12 years I've had the distinct pleasure of bringing moments of excitment and engagement into my students lives... Read More →
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

1:45pm MDT

Libraries Supporting Small Business
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Libraries of all sizes and reach are well positioned to support aspiring entrepreneurs and existing business owners. From programming ideas, hosting networking groups, to providing market and industry research information—we will discuss how public libraries can leverage existing resources, spaces and partnerships to inform and connect entrepreneurs to the right resources. Stop by for insights on how Poudre Libraries in Fort Collins, co-recipients of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Colorado District Director's Diamond Award, are currently supporting the small business ecosystem in Fort Collins!

Amada Simental

Business & Nonprofit Librarian, Poudre Libraries
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor
  Breakout Session

1:45pm MDT

“Teens Don’t Read” . . .Or Do They? Rethinking What 21st Century Teen Literacy Might Look Like
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
How many times have we heard (or even said) today’s teens don’t read? Even though one of their primary modes of communication requires near constant reading and writing, we seem to perceive teenagers as non-readers. Maybe, just maybe we are the ones who need to shift our perspectives about what teen literacy looks like in action. If we are willing to do that, perhaps we could even more effectively support and develop all the reading and writing they are doing every day both in and out of school. Join your teen-serving colleagues to explore today’s adolescent & adult literacy research landscape, reflect on the purposes of literacy in the 21st century, and help each other leverage our learning to create innovative teen literacy opportunities in our libraries.
avatar for Kate Brunner

Kate Brunner

Youth & Family Services Consultant, Colorado State Library
Wednesday September 4, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

3:00pm MDT

Exploring Complementary and Integrative Health Resources
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
More people are taking an active role in managing their health to achieve optimum levels of physical and mental well-being with the adoption of complementary and integrative health (CIH) approaches. Billions of dollars are spent every year in the United States on these approaches, but is there evidence that it works? Complementary health describes medical products and practices that are not part of standard medical care. Integrative health combines conventional medicine with complementary practices that have shown through science to be safe and effective. An example of CIH pain management might include prescription medication along with massage and yoga. This session will explore free, authoritative resources to assist you in answering CIH reference questions, help you identify scams, and explore some of the risks and benefits associated with CIH.
avatar for Dana Abbey

Dana Abbey

Engagement Specialist, Strauss Health Sciences Library/University of Colorado
Dana Abbey, MLS, serves as an Engagement Specialist for the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 4. She works to improve the public's access to reliable information to enable informed decisions regarding health, and to enhance access to evidence-based research for clinicians... Read More →
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

3:00pm MDT

I Feel Blah about work but I have No Serious Mental Health Symptoms
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Having a job that feels meaningful and balanced is really important. Library employees often face challenges that impact their well-being. This presentation explores the concept of "languishing" in the library workplace, a state characterized by a sense of emptiness and stagnation, which can detrimentally affect individual and organizational outcomes. Drawing on recent research and practical experiences, this session aims to shed light on the various factors contributing to languishing in library settings, including workload, organizational culture, and the evolving nature of library services.

Alejandro Marquez

University of Denver Libraries
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

3:00pm MDT

Internalize EDI: Support Colleagues Through Advocacy
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
In 2019, the Boulder Public Library formed an EDI Team that not only persisted through our district transition, but served as the model for similar teams within the city. By focusing on internal practices that could be better adapted to fit with EDI values, the team opened up various avenues of cross-departmental collaboration. As a result, team members were able to create new programs to support staff (such as an affinity group and a buddy program), researched and created guidelines for accessibility, recruitment, hiring, and retention, and conducted an internal survey to identify EDI pressure points. In this presentation we hope give an overview of our road to creating an EDI team, including the obstacles we faced and areas we achieved success. As we continue into this new era of becoming a district, we'll also discuss some of the ways we were able to lend support and affect change. We will finish off with a Q&A.

Kathy Lane

Boulder Public Library District

Katie Harness-Hemmer

Boulder Public Library District

Lara Hnizdo

Boulder Public Library District
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

3:00pm MDT

Taking a Walk in Their Shoes: Bringing the Blind Experience to Your Library
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
What is it like to be blind? How do blind people move through the world? CTBL has created a programming kit so communities all over the state can learn more about their visually-impaired neighbors, discover the resources available to them, and how we can improve services, and the lives, of the blind. Through the Let’s talk about it!: CSL Big Red Resource Kits, your library, too, can help educate, engage, and explore the world of our blind friends.
avatar for Lorrie Spoering

Lorrie Spoering

Patron Services Reader Advisor, Colorado Talking Book Library
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

3:00pm MDT

What can evaluation do for you? Learn from our true story of a beautiful evaluation friendship.
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Does evaluation sound like a nice idea but you’re not sure if it’s worth the time and energy? Are you worried that if your program is evaluated, you’ll be asked to change it in ways that you don't want to? We are a program manager and an evaluator who worked together to evaluate services for immigrants and refugees. We’ll outline the entire evaluation process for you, from identifying the goals of a program or service to using what you learn to make changes and share the impact of the service. After we share the overview, you’ll tell us which parts of the process you’re most interested in, and we’ll discuss those in more depth. You read that right—you get to tell us in real time what you most want to talk about. You’ll have a chance to think through how you’d apply the evaluation guidance we share to any program or service where you want participants to connect with or learn from each other. We are pretty sure you do something at your library where you want to see that happen! This interactive workshop is for anyone curious about evaluation, whether you are experienced or new to it.
avatar for Katie Fox

Katie Fox

Management & Evaluation Analyst, Denver Public Library
Wednesday September 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

4:00pm MDT

Exhibit Hall Happy Hour
Wednesday September 4, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Wednesday September 4, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Thursday, September 5

8:30am MDT

Exhibit Hall Breakfast
Thursday September 5, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Thursday September 5, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Colorado Ballroom: Third Floor

8:30am MDT

Exhibit Hall
Thursday September 5, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm MDT
Thursday September 5, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm MDT

9:30am MDT

CAL Business Meeting and Keynote Speaker
Thursday September 5, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am MDT
Thursday September 5, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am MDT
Colorado Ballroom: Third Floor

11:15am MDT

AI-Driven Transcription in Media Production - A Case Study at Colorado State University Libraries
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
This presentation provides a brief overview of how Colorado State University Libraries utilize artificial intelligence in media production, focusing on the generation of audio and video transcripts. A live demonstration unfolds the capabilities of Adobe Premiere Pro, illustrating transcript generation and audio enhancement. The session further explores the functionalities, strengths, and limitations of key tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Team, Konch, and Whisper. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of costs, pros, and cons, participants will leave with a basic understanding of which approach to choose for their own media production.

Yongli Zhou

Librarian, Colorado State University Libraries
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

11:15am MDT

Communication Breakdowns: Tools for Working Through Conflict in the Workplace
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Conflict and the breakdown of productive communication is inevitable in the workplace. In this workshop we’ll work together to prepare for the next communication breakdown by identifying how our organizations want us to resolve conflict, compare unhealthy and healthy conflict, and practice two conflict resolution tools (Crucial Conversations and Emotional Intelligence).

Tessy Walker

Branch Supervisor, Aurora Public Library
Library Supervisor for the Hoffman Heights and newly opened Chambers Plaza Libraries for the Aurora Public Library system. I work with an amazing team that ensures our library spaces are welcoming, accessible and provide opportunities for life-long learning for a diverse communit... Read More →

Andrea North

Librarian, Aurora Public Library
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

11:15am MDT

Community Voices: Harnessing the Power of Community Interviews for Library Planning
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Deep dive into your community's needs and aspirations, build key relationships with community stakeholders, and learn how to master the community interview process for library planning. Explore techniques for identifying key community stakeholders, learn about an effective community interview process that elicits crucial community information, and gain a better understanding of the ways in which the community’s needs intersect with the library’s expertise. Key Topics Covered: • Understanding the importance of community interviews in public library planning. • Identifying and engaging with diverse community stakeholders. • Leading effective community interviews to gather crucial insights. • Analyzing interview data to inform long-range planning. • Reporting back to the community about findings: building library visibility and a community agenda. • Implementing community-driven initiatives based on interview findings. Join us in harnessing community voices to help shape the library and community’s agenda.
avatar for Jamie LaRue

Jamie LaRue

Executive Director, Garfield County Public Library District
As a longtime public library director, I'm interested in all administrative topics: advocacy, board relations, budgeting, community engagement, culture, HR issues, strategic planning, trends.As the former director of ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom, I'm interested in all things... Read More →
avatar for Nancy Barnes

Nancy Barnes

Director of Branch Libraries, Garfield County Public Library
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

11:15am MDT

Developing Standards for Great Customer Service
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Implementing customer service standards at our library helped make our visitors feel welcome, our staff feel comfortable, and our supervisors evaluate staff equitably. You’ll learn what makes a good standard, common pitfalls to avoid, and how to get everyone on the same page quickly.
avatar for Amie Pilla

Amie Pilla

Library CEO, Berthoud Community Library District
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

11:15am MDT

The School Library Without the School Librarian: Providing Library Services No Matter What
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
As with many school districts, Denver Public Schools has seen a marked decline in not only the number of librarians employed by our district, but also the number of libraries in our district, period. Many principals, due to budget constraints, a hyperfocus on standardized testing, and a general unfamiliarity with the benefits of a school library, have stopped using their libraries entirely and turned them into storage areas, classrooms, offices, and perhaps the place where they put the popcorn machine. Much of DPS Library Services' work, then, has focused on getting these libraries back in business. This work, however, involves much more than weeding, cleaning, and inventorying (although that is certainly a lot of it). What this presentation will focus on are the strategies DPS has employed for getting library services back in schools where the library has fallen by the wayside. The three main strategies we will discuss are the volunteer model; the teacher model; and the self-checkout model. Additionally, this presentation will discuss the benefits and problems with each of these models, as well as their sustainability in an educational environment not predisposed to libraries.

Chelsea Kueht

Denver Public Schools

Jenn Brown

Library ServicesCoordinator, Denver Public Schools

Pete Fey

Denver Public Schools
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

11:15am MDT

Trustee Track: A Survey of Changing Laws and Principles
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Learning Outcome
Attendees will gain an awareness of the legal, political, and cultural landscape that affects our libraries

Our libraries are governed by many laws and touched by many principles. They are subject to change by the culture, politics, legislatures, rulemaking, and court interpretations. This presentation will survey major changes that affect our libraries, including:
  • Efforts to use the First Amendment as a sword instead of a shield (such as the 1st Amendment Audit, book banning, and accessibility)
  • New Colorado laws that impact libraries
  • Patron privacy
  • Disciplined patron protests and materials appeals
  • New taxation and finance changes that affect the bottom line, and much more!
We will include a lively discussion. This session is always popular. Plan to arrive early.

Kim J. Seter

Shareholder & Director, Seter, Vander Wall & Mielke, P.C.
Kim J. Seter earned his Juris Doctor from the George Washington University in 1984 and graduated magna cum laude from Western State College of Colorado with Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Economics in 1980. Mr. Seter was the recipient of the Rockefeller Scholarship for the... Read More →

Elizabeth "Beth" Dauer

Director & Attorney, Seter, Vander Wall & Mielke, P.C.
Ms. Dauer has 13 years of experience specializing in the general counsel representation of libraries across Colorado.
Thursday September 5, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

2:00pm MDT

Colorado libraries by the numbers: The Public Library Annual Report
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Learn more about Colorado libraries using the data from the Public Library Annual Report, an annual survey of public libraries across Colorado. We will highlight patterns and trends in services, collections, funding, staffing, and more. This presentation will also situate Colorado libraries into a national context and look at some of the ways that the data in this report is used in research and assessment across the United States.
avatar for Charissa Brammer

Charissa Brammer

Library Research Service, Colorado State Library

Dana Petersen

Library Research Service, Colorado State Library
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

2:00pm MDT

Find Your Adventure - Make Your Passion Your Paycheck for Teens
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Post-COVID teens have a refreshed desire to expand their autonomy over their career track and a renewed sense that doing something they genuinely enjoy is more important than sure money. Feedback from local teens indicated that while the school had a “pathfinder” class, where enrolled students could spend a semester looking into an interest, its offerings were limited. They also noted that even if they found something they enjoyed and might like to pursue there were no clear “next steps” to guide them. Pine River Library along with the Youth Advisory Council from Bayfield High School built and put on a panel event at the library where these questions could be answered. The event hosted local community members who had all managed to do just that. This event was done ComiCon style with members of the Youth Advisory Council introducing each panelist, moderating the speakers to stay within the scope and time allotted, as well as preparing drop questions to keep the event moving once it had moved into its Q&A period.
avatar for Becky Van Den Berg

Becky Van Den Berg

Teen Services Manager, Pine River Library
I have been working with teens in STEM programming for 8 years. I also love RA for teens and adults.
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

2:00pm MDT

Intentional Early Literacy Outreach to Spanish-Speaking Communities
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
In 2023, the Child and Family Library Services department at Arapahoe Libraries developed an outreach strategy to engage Spanish-speaking families in early literacy services and library resources. In this presentation, we will discuss how the department took an existing outreach program, Begin with Books, and developed an outreach pilot program intended to connect with Spanish-speaking patrons that do not have easy access to a library location. By collaborating with other departments like language services and mobile library services, the pilot was implemented in fall of 2023. Currently in 2024, we are taking the feedback received and lessons-learned to inform our new approach to connecting with Spanish-speaking families. Based on community feedback, programs and services in languages other than English are a high need. Focusing our resources to try and meet this need is important because it aligns with our library district values of inclusivity and a growing community with shifting needs. We are excited to share our newfound best practices for reducing barriers and reaching underserved populations.

Abigail Sewall

Arapahoe Libraries

Andy Gallegos

Supervisor, Early Childhood Literacy Services, Arapahoe Libraries
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

2:00pm MDT

Trustee Track: Becoming a Board: A Trustee Panel Shares Defining Moments
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
  • Awareness of recent challenges in Colorado public libraries
  • Discover key strategies to consider when boards are asked to account
  • Gain insight into how conflict and challenge can strengthen public library boards of trustees


Have you faced a tough issue as a trustee? Or are you worried that conflict is just around the corner? Join four trustees for this session in which they share their experiences. Each panelist, as part of a public library board of trustees, has navigated a challenge of one type or another. Find out how these issues were resolved. In the process, gain insight into how these challenges have positively redefined the library board and their role as a public library trustee. 

Trustee Panelists:
  • DoriAnn Adragna, Montrose Regional Library District
  • Jocelyn Durrance, Garfield County Public  Library District
  • Kerry Lefebvre, Gunnison Public Library District   
  • Abby Landmeier, Mesa County Public Library District  

Facilitated by Sharon Morris, Colorado State Library

Sharon Morris

Public Library Leadership Development, Colorado State Library

DoriAnn Adragna

Montrose Regional Library District

Jocelyn Durrance

Garfield County Public Library District

Kerry Lefebvre

Gunnison Public Library District

Abby Landmeier

Mesa County Public Library District
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

2:00pm MDT

Your Age is an Asset: Embracing a Multi-Generational Library Workforce
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
In today's libraries, it is common to have a workforce spanning multiple generations, each with its unique strengths, perspectives, and work styles. This fun, engaging session aims to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise when managing and collaborating with a multi-generational library workforce. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the characteristics, values, and motivations of different generations, including Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. We will delve into strategies for fostering effective communication, teamwork, and mentorship across generations, recognizing that diverse perspectives can enhance creativity and innovation in library services. We will also playfully address common stereotypes and misconceptions, helping participants to build empathy and create an inclusive work environment where every generation feels valued and empowered. Through interactive discussions, attendees will leave with practical insights and actionable steps to embrace the diversity of their library workforce.
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

2:00pm MDT

“Don’t Know Why I Would Need that Information...But Cool:” Outcomes from a Website Usability Study
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
This presentation details our process and outcomes for those interested in conducting a library website usability study. Although this work was specific to a regional university library in Colorado, and our study was focused on student users, our process could be adapted and scaled for a variety of libraries and users. This project emphasizes that it is possible—and helpful—to focus on improving the usability of one aspect of an existing website, even when it is not feasible to redevelop the entire site. The presenters will share how to address the challenge of engaging different stakeholders, and that it is possible to advocate for evidence-based website changes that can have a positive impact on user experience. Learn of our lightbulb moments and how two colleagues without formal web design experience worked together to make user-centered changes. We will have worksheets and prompts; please bring your perspectives and questions!
avatar for Jen Mayer

Jen Mayer

Interim Assistant Dean of Libraries, University of Northern Colorado
My library-related interests include: mentoring, liaison roles, library use and student academic success, scholarly communication, and open educational resources.Outside of work, I enjoy going to thrift stores, exploring the outdoors, attending concerts and museums, and working on... Read More →

Natasha Floersch

University of Northern Colorado
Thursday September 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

3:00pm MDT

Exhibit Hall Dessert Reception
Thursday September 5, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Thursday September 5, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Breckenridge Ballroom Exhibit Hall: First Floor Beaver Run Resort 620 Village Rd, Breckenridge, CO 80424

4:00pm MDT

Reel History: Microfilming and Beyond at History Colorado
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:15pm MDT
The pages of Colorado newspapers provide researchers a window into the past. How were these papers saved to later show up online? How does a technology invented in the 1830s, and popularized in the 1950s, impact our digital world today? Why in the world do we still microfilm things? In this session, attendees will learn about newspaper collecting at History Colorado and how microfilming supports the institutional missions of engagement and preservation. Attendees will also learn how History Colorado can support their institution’s own microfilm collecting.

Ann Sneesby-Koch

Colorado History
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:15pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

4:00pm MDT

Alternative Literacy: What is It and Why is it Important to Implement
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Alternative Literacy is the process of teaching children and young adults literacy skills through non-traditional means. In this presentation, I cover three big examples of this: graphic novels, tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), and video games. Further, I provide an overview of how educators, librarians, and individuals can implement them into their work or daily life. In this presentation, you can expect to learn: -What Alternative Literacy is and What Benefits it Has -Definitions of Graphic Novels, TTRPGs, and Video Games -Why Graphic Novels, TTRPGs, and Video Games are effective in teaching literacy -How to utilize Graphic Novels, TTRPGs, and Video Games in Libraries and Classrooms

Sarah Vail

Garfield County Public Library
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

4:00pm MDT

Here’s the Thing: A Successful Redesign of a Library of Things
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
The Estes Valley Library will share how we markedly increased the circulation of our Library of Things collection while improving patron satisfaction and reducing stress on staff. We have practical, tested tips to help other libraries start a successful Library of Things or improve the display, back-of-the-house workflow, and circulation for their existing Things. We will introduce you to our charismatic, high-performing Things as well as our troublemakers, give you a peek under the hood at our metrics, and share part numbers and templates to improve your labeling and displays.
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

4:00pm MDT

Intentional and Impactful: Universal Design for All
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
This presentation will allow participants to understand the WHY and HOW behind Universal Design for both infrastructure and programming. Through this understanding, common misconceptions will be reviewed as well as a discussion of when Universal Design may be more difficult to implement. Additionally, disability language, identity, and appropriate accommodations will also be reviewed through discussion and scenarios. This presentation will then give folks tools, strategies, and resources to use on Monday for their own Universal Design journeys. Dr. Miranda Martino and Melisa Beavers, two experts and implementers in Universal Design, will be sharing their stories intentionally through this session that focuses on elevating the voice of the disabled community.
avatar for Melissa Beavers

Melissa Beavers

Library Manager, High Plains Library District
Melissa Beavers is the Manager of LINC Library Innovation Center in downtown Greeley. Melissa holds a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts in Literature from Colorado State University. She is a frequent public speaker and... Read More →

Dr. Miranda Martino

High Plains Library District
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

4:00pm MDT

The State of Taxes in Colorado Libraries: Resources for Libraries of All Sizes
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Every single one of our patrons (and ourselves!) are impacted by taxes each and every year. Finding resources to access the necessary forms and help with preparation can be difficult, especially for people and libraries outside of the Front Range.Learn about what other libraries across the state are doing to support their communities during tax season. Presenters will share the findings from a newly compiled comprehensive report on the tax offerings at every Colorado public library during the 2024 (2023 filing) season. We will work together to develop and share ideas that will work at YOUR library, building on what you already have available. Walk away with some extremely low-lift strategies to increase tax help resources in your community, including the first ever one-stop shop tax resource from the Colorado State Library available for the upcoming tax season and beyond.
avatar for Cristy Moran

Cristy Moran

Adult Library Services Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library
Cristy Moran (she/ her/ ella) is the Adult Library Services Senior Consultant at the Colorado State Library and is eager to consult with and support you in program development and facilitation, outreach, finding resources, assessment and evaluation, and collaborating with community... Read More →

Julie Twiss

Westminster Public Library
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

4:00pm MDT

Trustee Track: Purposeful Planning & Communication for Public Library Leaders
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Trustees and other library leaders will: 
  • Gain strategies and tools for planning and advocacy 
  • Become familiar with the Colorado Public Library Standards for high-level use 
  • Engage in an interactive session to meet and learn with others

Join the conversation about trustee advocacy and planning tools that can make all the difference. Participants will connect and share library strengths and practices. They will gain ideas for planning using the shiny new Colorado Public Library Standards, data, and other tools. Walk away with practical strategies for purposeful planning and advocacy… and take home a few other treats.

  • Nicolle Davies, Assistant Commissioner, State Librarian
  • Kieran Hixon, Rural & Small Library Consultant
  • Sharon Morris, Public Library Leadership Development

Nicolle Davies

Assistant Commissioner, State Librarian

Sharon Morris

Public Library Leadership Development, Colorado State Library
avatar for Kieran Hixon

Kieran Hixon

Rural & Small Library Consultant, Colorado State Library
Kieran is the Rural & Small Library Consultant at the Colorado State Library. He is an engaging and enthusiastic public speaker focusing on customer service and policy. Based in Wetmore, Colorado, he has served as President of the Association for Rural & Small Libraries and has a... Read More →
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

4:15pm MDT

Pages to Profits: Fundraising From Your Collection
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
This program will delve into the innovative ways libraries can harness the potential of their collections to not only raise funds but also foster deeper connections within their communities. We'll explore practical strategies aimed at enhancing existing book sales, stepping into the digital realm with online sales platforms, and establishing fruitful partnerships with local organizations. Moreover, we'll shed light on the importance of diversifying income streams through initiatives such as in-house sales and collaborative ventures with vendors. Attendees will benefit from insights drawn from successful collection management practices across the nation, gaining valuable knowledge on how to generate consistent revenue while leaving a lasting impact on their communities. By equipping libraries with these essential tools and insights, our aim is to empower them to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of fundraising with confidence and resilience.
avatar for Courtney Dixon

Courtney Dixon

Partnerships Manager, Dream Books Co.

Gavi Michaelson

Dream Books Co.
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

4:30pm MDT

Freedom to read
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:45pm MDT
Did you ever think that "Hide the Pride" happens at other libraries? I thought that too until it happened at my library. As book challenges are on the rise and more organized groups attempt to censor libraries, protecting the Freedom to Read is a hallmark of our profession. This talk delves into the indispensable role of librarians as guardians against censorship and book banning. Gain insights into strategies to safeguard the open exchange of ideas and the crucial responsibility librarians bear in preserving our right to intellectual freedom.
avatar for Melissa Beavers

Melissa Beavers

Library Manager, High Plains Library District
Melissa Beavers is the Manager of LINC Library Innovation Center in downtown Greeley. Melissa holds a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts in Literature from Colorado State University. She is a frequent public speaker and... Read More →
Thursday September 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:45pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

5:30pm MDT

CALCON After Hours
Thursday September 5, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm MDT
Thursday September 5, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm MDT
Friday, September 6

8:00am MDT

Registration/ Welcome Desk
Friday September 6, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm MDT
Friday September 6, 2024 8:00am - 1:00pm MDT

8:30am MDT

Book Madness - Engaging Schools, Teachers, & the Community
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Familiar with college basketball’s March Madness? Enjoy reading picture books aloud – especially with expression (engaging that inner thespian)? Want to find a way to get your foot in the door at your local elementary school? Or, do you just need to find a creative way to engage classroom teachers in your school library? Looking for ways to get the community involved while putting a shameless plug in for your Summer Reading Program? Book Madness may be for you! Choose your Sweet Sixteen, make your brackets, and recruit a team of readers. In just three short weeks, you will have kids, and adults, asking for more! Go beyond the pages and see the impact this program will have on elementary students, the school community, and your staff. Book Madness encourages students to read different genres, discover new authors, and share their opinions with classmates by learning about the power of discussing books and voting for a favorite title. The program offers an opportunity for collaboration between library staff, faculty, parents, homeschool groups, and community partners. Book Madness is a great way to foster a love of reading and a fun, creative way to celebrate books!

Chris Newell

director of Public Services, Grand County Library District

Emily Pedersen

Grand County Library District
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

8:30am MDT

Data Deep Dive: Gaining insights and answers from library data (laptop required)
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
This hands-on session will help you identify your library’s information needs and find Public Library Annual Report (PLAR) data that provides answers. After a discussion of best practices for data analysis and visualization, participants will choose one of several scenarios common to public libraries. The scenario workbook will walk participants through finding and cleaning data, creating visualizations, and analyzing the patterns and new information that are revealed. This process will give participants strategies for communicating with stakeholders and the communities they serve. Please bring your own laptop and charger with Microsoft Excel installed or a visualization tool of your choice like Tableau or Canva accessible. If you prefer using an external mouse, bring that, too!

Dana Petersen

Library Research Service, Colorado State Library

Sara Wicen

Library Research Service, Colorado State Library
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

8:30am MDT

Library Leadership Development – Five Steps to Creating a Successful Leadership Academy
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Leadership Development Programs (also known as Leadership Academies) incorporate an integrated approach to learning that combines leadership theory with a blend of assessment, training, coaching, mentoring and assignments to adequately prepare participants for the challenges they face on the job and on a range of key competencies critical to the organization’s strategic future. Please join staff from Jefferson County Public Library and the Colorado Library Association in this interactive workshop where you will learn more about their respective year-long leadership academies for aspiring and current library leaders and the impact their programs have had on individuals and libraries across the state. You will leave this session with a workbook and an individualized blueprint for creating your own leadership development program.
avatar for Christine Kreger

Christine Kreger

Professional Development Consultant, Colorado State Library (CDE)
Christine Kreger is the Colorado State Library’s first full-time Professional Development Consultant, bringing over 25 years of training and continuing education experience to the table.  
avatar for Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith

Jefferson County Public Library

Sarah Leibrandt

Jefferson County Public Library
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor
  Deep Dives

8:30am MDT

Program Innovation: Small Changes for Big Impact
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Looking to change up your early literacy programming? Need some inspiration, but feeling overwhelmed? When we focus our strengths and passions outward toward a target population we can clearly and intentionally implement change without overfilling our plate.
avatar for Kate Compton

Kate Compton

Early Literacy Consultant, Colorado State Library
Friday September 6, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor
  Deep Dives

10:45am MDT

Electrifying Eats & Lightning Talks
Friday September 6, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm MDT
Friday September 6, 2024 10:45am - 12:15pm MDT
Colorado Ballroom: Third Floor

12:30pm MDT

Best practices in Bilingual Libraries: My experience in Harris Elementary School
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
In this presentation, you will learn about how to develop a collection that serves best the Spanish-speaking population in your school: Some of the topics included are alternative vendors and publishers to buy books in Spanish, how to include different voices and perspectives in your collection and some of the best practices for developing a bilingual collection. This presentation is based on my experience as a first-year school librarian in a bilingual elementary school where 50% of the students speak Spanish at home.
avatar for Camilo Jimenez

Camilo Jimenez

Bilingual coordinator, Boulder Public Library
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

12:30pm MDT

Community Resource Coordinator: A Different Approach to Social Services in Libraries
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
The Community Resource Coordinator position at Jefferson County Public Library allows the library to be a welcoming space for all patrons while protecting staff capacity by leveraging existing community organizations. By building bridges between community resources and bringing those resources directly to the library, this position has helped reduce barriers of access for those resources while meeting the needs of the libraries most vulnerable patrons. This presentation will discuss the specifics of this role, strategies for building community partnerships, and the impact this role has had on patrons and staff.
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

12:30pm MDT

How the High Plains Library District Used Playdate Cafes to Provide Early Literacy Support
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
The High Plains Library District (HPLD) received a grant through the Buell Growing Readers Together program to provide early literacy support to friends, family, and neighbor caregivers. Librarians from multiple HPLD branches collaborated to offer Playdate Cafes to reach young children's parents and caregivers. The Playdate Cafes offered a simple and friendly atmosphere for caregivers to gather and learn how they can support early literacy at home through singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing. The children’s librarian shared early literacy information while the children played, and all enjoyed simple refreshments. Each caregiver was also given a ‘took kit” with a scarf, playdough, binoculars, toy car, egg shaker, plush cube and a booklet filled with ideas of how to use the items daily. The presenters will share outcomes, lessons learned and ideas for how libraries can grow this type of program.

Michelle White

LINC Library - High Plains Library District
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor
  Breakout Session

12:30pm MDT

PRISM Project: Assessing the impact of prison libraries on incarcerated Coloradans.
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Learn more about the PRISM Project, which started in 2022 and visited 19 out of the 20 state-funded prisons in Colorado. In this project we spoke directly with dozens of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people about their experiences and received hundreds of surveys from all over the state and every institution. We will explore the results of our analysis, share some of the takeaways from this first of its kind research, and discuss how it might grow to other states and facility types.
avatar for Charissa Brammer

Charissa Brammer

Library Research Service, Colorado State Library
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

12:30pm MDT

The Importance of Monsters: How Engaging the Horror Genre Sparks Adolescent Bravery
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
“I want a scary book!” How many times have we heard that statement from our upper elementary and middle school students? Despite the constant desire for more scary books, finding ones that are geared specifically to grades 3-8 can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. Making sure we have books that allow our students to not only read something exciting and engaging, but learn something about themselves and the world, is one of the most rewarding parts of being a librarian. In this session we will look at the place horror holds in our collective experience, why our middle grade kids need and deserve to have a variety of titles at their fingertips, and have the opportunity to look at some amazing middle grade horror books that have come out in the last few years.
avatar for Kit Taddeo

Kit Taddeo

Library Media Specialist, Poudre School District
"Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all" I've spent my career looking for the adventure in the everyday, even in small things. As a school librarian for the past 12 years I've had the distinct pleasure of bringing moments of excitment and engagement into my students lives... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

12:30pm MDT

When research doesn’t support popular opinion: How best to serve children diagnosed with dyslexia
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Two things are clear: 1. Children diagnosed with dyslexia deserve to be supported with their reading needs; and 2. Their parents deserve our respect for their activism in getting help for their children. Beyond that, the waters—and the research gets muddy and maddening in trying to figure out what is truly effective. Join this session’s experts in learning about the current state of research as well as the current state of the dyslexia advocacy movement in Colorado. Become aware of some sensitive terms and where to find current online and audiobook resources. Discover how little we actually know and yet what is generally accepted and how you can shape your collection and your readers advisory to reflect the best of what we know.
avatar for Jim Erekson

Jim Erekson

Associate Professor of Reading, University of Northern Colorado
How children learn to read. How libraries figure into that equation. The role of authentic text within key aspects of teaching and learning. 
avatar for Lu Benke

Lu Benke

Consultant, Linking Libraries and Literacy
Lu Benke brings to her presentations experiences from over 35 years as a children’s librarian (most recently at Poudre Libraries) as well as the best of recent research from her Master’s in Reading and PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado. She... Read More →

Tiffany Regan

Retired, University of Northern Colorado
Friday September 6, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) an Introduction
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
AI is a disruptive innovation that has many potential helpful and harmful uses. Through this session we will consider implication of implementation in our work and support/educate patrons on AI uses. As a novice with AI working my way up to digital immigrant, come to learn a common definition of AI, how it works predictive and generative AI works, considerations for usage in our profession, and brainstorm application ideas. When using new technology, my hope is you keep your mind open and are willing to explore.
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Torreys (Summit Gallery Peaks 11, 12): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Bienvenidos: Creating welcome for Hispanohablantes and Latines at Your library
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
In the 2020 Census, over 22% of Coloradans self-identified as Hispanic or Latino. In some of our communities, the population is more than double (and not always where you think!). As state population trends shifts and the demographics of our communities change, libraries look to how we can create welcoming spaces that leverage our existing missions and service models to serve those new community members. “Bienvenidos” offers insights from state and local demographic sources to discover who makes up the community we serve. It also features best practices built from bilingual and self-identified Latine library staff and librarians in our libraries. In the end, participants can use these insights to establish best practices for welcoming visitors to our libraries regardless of linguistic and cultural barriers.
avatar for Cristy Moran

Cristy Moran

Adult Library Services Senior Consultant, Colorado State Library
Cristy Moran (she/ her/ ella) is the Adult Library Services Senior Consultant at the Colorado State Library and is eager to consult with and support you in program development and facilitation, outreach, finding resources, assessment and evaluation, and collaborating with community... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Coppertop III Breakout Room: Third Floor

1:45pm MDT

Bringing Spanish Speakers In: Tips on Serving Your Spanish Speaking Community
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Wondering how to get Spanish speakers to your library? Gain an understanding on how to serve Spanish speakers in your community focusing on your library collections, services and programming. Presenter has experience working with the immigrant community and recently served as an advisor for a research project on how public library staff can more effectively serve multilingual communities. The goal of the study is to make the voices of multilingual patrons heard. This presentation will cover results from this research project such as reading practices in their countries of origin, ways of locating new materials to read, and relationships with public libraries. Included will be programming, services and collection approaches on serving Spanish speakers in public libraries. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21 grant. Three partner libraries were involved in this study; Pueblo City-County Library District (PCCLD), Brooklyn Public Library (BPL, NY), and New York Public Library (NYPL, NY).

Maria Smyer

Pueblo City County Library District
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Cupid (Summit Gallery Peaks Peaks 6, 7, 8): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Little Library on the Plains: Pioneering Internal Staff Equity.
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
This presentation explores the transformative role of rural libraries in dismantling traditional hierarchies between floor staff and degreed librarians as well as highlighting their pioneering efforts in achieving equitable distribution of responsibilities. Rural libraries often challenge the institutional standard of requiring advanced master’s levels degrees for much of library work. By examining one little library on the eastern plains of Colorado, I hope to share the hard work and success stories of non-degreed library staff. The aim is to present and inspire a paradigm shift in internal equity within libraries between floor staff and librarians. We will focus on the crucial contributions all staff members make and advocating for a more inclusive and accessible approach to library services. The other goal of this presentation is to provide inspiration to staff who may not be able to access higher education.
avatar for Jordan Guerriero

Jordan Guerriero

Assistant Supervisor, Arapahoe Library District
Jordan M. Guerriero is an Assistant Supervisor with over 4 years of experience working in both urban and rural libraries. In addition to a vast history working in social work.  Jordan's experience ranges from digital literacy, makerspaces, and even to storytime. She loves to work... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Imperial Ballroom Breakout Room: Fourth Floor

1:45pm MDT

Revamp and Revitalize Your One-on-One Staff Meetings
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Are you stuck in a routine when it comes to holding one-on-one meetings? Have you been eager to overhaul your approach to ensure both you and your employees get more value from these sessions? In this workshop, you will understand the pivotal role one-on-one meetings play in enabling supervisors to nurture growth, enhance retention, and boost overall performance. Uncover techniques for crafting purposeful and staff-driven one-on-one interactions that transcend basic status updates or casual conversations. Whether you are a supervisor aiming to elevate team performance or an employee eager to make stronger connections with your manager and peers, you will discover how to leverage these meetings to achieve your objectives. This session, backed by research on the effectiveness of one-on-one meetings, will equip you with a diverse range of practical strategies to successfully conduct these sessions, enrich communication, and produce positive workplace outcomes.
avatar for Melissa Beavers

Melissa Beavers

Library Manager, High Plains Library District
Melissa Beavers is the Manager of LINC Library Innovation Center in downtown Greeley. Melissa holds a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts in Literature from Colorado State University. She is a frequent public speaker and... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Grizzly (Summit Gallery Peaks 9, 10): Second Floor

1:45pm MDT

Strengthening Community Financial Well-being through Resource Referral
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
When families have the resources they need, communities thrive. This session will describe the power of referral to available resources to lift families out of poverty, improving resilience and long-term health and educational outcomes. Financial well-being is associated with improved nutrition and fewer cases of child maltreatment. Colorado is increasingly expensive, and many Colorado families have trouble meeting essential needs. Libraries are trusted messengers to help community members. This session will describe how to connect community members to WIC, TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid through the benefits enrollment platform Colorado PEAK, as well as lesser-known economic opportunities such as free tax filing, student loan repayment programs, energy assistance, and Colorado’s new paid family and medical leave program, FAMLI. The session will also address who is missing out on resources they are eligible for, why, and simple techniques for referral. It can be quick and rewarding to refer community members to resources.
avatar for Adriana Botic

Adriana Botic

Community Grants Coordinator, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Adriana (she/her/ella) has worked with diverse communities to prevent and manage chronic disease including cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and has experience with teaching and group facilitation, all with a focus on health equity. She is passionate about community-driven, culturally... Read More →
Friday September 6, 2024 1:45pm - 2:45pm MDT
Beaver Den Coppertop II Breakout Room: Second Floor

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