Do folks in your community have to drive 30 minutes to the closest doctor? Do patrons ever have to use your public computers for telehealth appointments, risking being overheard as they discuss private health matters? The Colorado State Library and the Office of eHealth Innovation have partnered on a pilot project to address the barriers some people face accessing web-enabled devices, digital literacy, and wellness and well-being in rural Colorado. This panel presentation will provide an overview of the project, detail the demonstrated benefit to communities that have a participating library, and outline best practices and crazy ideas that work. You’ll hear firsthand from librarians who implemented this project in different ways and from different parts of the state. Come find out what your library might need to help your community Connect to Health @Your Library.
Learning Outcomes:- Participants will have a greater understanding of telehealth program possibilities in Colorado.
- Participants will discover what small and rural libraries are doing with telehealth across the state.
- Participants will learn how Connect to Health @Your Library could assist in their communities.