Working to fulfill district goals to better serve the Latino community. I would like to Share Garfield County Public Library's approach to better serve the Latino community in these four areas Collection, Programming, Outreach, and support and provide training to staff. In 2022 Garfield Country Public Libraries District's goal was to better serve the Latino community. The first year the Hispanic Outreach Committee was successful. Accomplished in 2022. The first Hispanic heritage festival First trip to Guadalajara Support district program Posada Navideña 2023-2024- The committee was ready to keep working but needed guidance and support. There were so many things the committee wanted to accomplish and it had to be narrowed down the vision and mission of the committee. That is when Jamie LaRue Our Director trusted me to be the leader of the committee. Forming the HOC committee and four sub-committees, Collection, Outreach, Program, Staffing 2023 was a successful year. I would like to share in detail how we accomplished these goals and what where our lessons learned. Share our knowledge with other librarians who want to better serve their community.
Learning Outcomes:- Grow your Collection.
- Do more Spanish program with small bilingual staff.
- Support bilingual staff.