Two things are clear: 1. Children diagnosed with dyslexia deserve to be supported with their reading needs; and 2. Their parents deserve our respect for their activism in getting help for their children. Beyond that, the waters—and the research gets muddy and maddening in trying to figure out what is truly effective. Join this session’s experts in learning about the current state of research as well as the current state of the dyslexia advocacy movement in Colorado. Become aware of some sensitive terms and where to find current online and audiobook resources. Discover how little we actually know and yet what is generally accepted and how you can shape your collection and your readers advisory to reflect the best of what we know.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will understand about some of the issues and research that make how to help children diagnosed with dyslexia so controversial and confusing.
Participant will learn which terms regarding dyslexia must be handled sensitively.
Participant will learn about current online and audiobook resources that can be used in serving children diagnosed with dyslexia.
LaPorte, Consultant with Linking Libraries and Literacy
Lu Benke brings to her presentations experiences from over 35 years as a children’s librarian (most recently at Poudre Libraries) as well as the best of recent research from her Master’s in Reading and PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado. She... Read More →
Tiffany Regan, EdD, is the former Douglas County School District Literacy Strategist & Dyslexia Coordinator as well as Adjunct Professor at University of Northern Colorado.She currently supports striving readers through specialized private tutoring and as a volunteer adult literacy... Read More →